
Self-Love and What It Means

Self Love

Self-Love and What It Means

Each one of us is a unique and divine expression of Life.  Just like snowflakes, leaves, blades of grass, and the bark on trees, we are all different. Yeah! Let’s embrace that.  Why would we work so hard to be like anybody else? When we do, we simply set ourselves up for disappointment. 
I believe that we can change our hair, physical size, lift our chin, tuck our tummy, and even go to church … but, if we do not love and accept ourselves, we will never find true happiness.  

Being ourselves in a world where there is pressure to remake ourselves can be a challenge.  Disapproval of others can be a powerful deterrent; yet hardly a strong enough reason to choose to be less than who we are.

Also read this: U + God = Happy

If we want to be happy, at peace, experience joy, and feel contentment, sooner or later we must exert our right to be accepted for who we are.

It is often said that we cannot give what we do not possess.  Therefore, it would make sense that to love another, we must first love ourselves. Yet, there persists the idea that to love one’s self is egocentric, destructive, and selfish. 

Wow! Wouldn’t simple logic back up the notion that we can only give what we have and that the more we have, the more we can give?  It seems to make sense to me.

I have personally found that it takes a lot of energy to be someone else. Whew! Once I allowed myself to embrace my “warts,” life became a bit more ease-y.  In fact, when I decided to love myself and be myself, great love walked right into my life.  ♥

So, if you are looking for love, I suggest you begin by loving you.   

Live. Love. Play. Prosper.

Sharing love and life through the eyes of a happy goddess. 

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